Scheduled Downtime
Scheduled downtime for this server which is likely to last more than 30 minutes will be listed on the BrownNet web site, in the Alerts section of the Home page, and on the Society's Facebook/RSS feeds (please note we no longer use X, formerly Twitter).
System Backup and Maintenance
This web site and server will undergo automatic maintenance and backup procedures between the hours of 00:00-06:00 daily (local UK time). Performance when downloading pages during this time may be affected for short periods.
Links to External Sites and Pop-ups
Links to external web sites will normally be opened in a new browser window/tab. Some browsers may treat these new windows as "pop-ups" and try to block them - you can set your browser to allow pop-ups from this site. The method will be dependent on your browser.
Server Security
For the security of your connection and data, this server requires that your browser supports the cryptographic protocol TLS v1.2 or higher. Older browsers and operating systems such as Internet Explorer 10, Safari 6, and Android 4.3 or below will probably not work. Currently, this server/site scores a maximum A+ on the SSL Server Test suite produced by Qualys SSL Labs.
Google PageSpeed Insights
Check out this site's ratings on Google PageSpeed Insights. N.B.: like many things, this may not work correctly with Internet Explorer, but you can manually enter the URL to be rated. Currently, this site scores a maximum of 100 for both desktop and mobile versions.

This web site is hosted on BrownNet and was designed, created, and maintained by Alastair F. Brown. Server hardware was kindly donated by Stuart and Joanne Brown.